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Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo
The Congregation of the Missionaries of Saint Charles Borromeo, also known as Scalabrinians, is an international apostolic community of religious brothers and priests of the Roman Catholic Church, founded in Piacenza (Italy) in 1887 by Saint John Baptist Scalabrini.
Migrant Missionaries
We are committed to the promotion of human dignity and rights of migrants. We are called to be migrants among migrants, sharing in their journey, their struggles and their hopes, inspired by the example of Jesus, "In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." (Matthew 25:40)
Missionaries for Migrants
Our religious congregation is present in 34 countries around the world. The Province of St. Charles encompasses 7 of those countries. Our missionary work includes advocacy and promotion of human rights of migrants, research and studies, migrants’ centers and pastoral services in multi-cultural parishes.
Scalabrinian Books

Complete Collection of Books and Writings
4 videos to better understand our Mission
Misioneros Scalabrinianos al servicio de los más vulnerables. (English Subtitles)
Pope's June prayer intention: 'For those fleeing their own countries' (in Spanish with English Subtitles)
Scalabrinian Missionaries. A way of being for Migrants, Bogotá 2024 (in Spanish with English Subtitles). Credits: Archdiocese of Bogotá
Magazines & Newsletters
Last Editions
The People we Serve
The world of migration displays a great variety of situations. Some groups of migrants preserve and
develop the human and Christian riches of their ancestral heritage and so become a contributing
force for the progress and enrichment of civil and ecclesial society. Other groups, instead, are still
living the experience of migration in its most painful and discriminatory aspects. Even those who
may have achieved a satisfactory economic position often remain in a poverty of rights, of recognition,
of ability to communicate, and, above all, in a poverty of faith and religious spirit that is more
painful than economic poverty itself.
In all this variety of situations, we remain faithful to our
specific mission and keep rediscovering our charism, as we place ourselves at the service of those
people whose conditions, needs, and longings are analogous to those that induced our Founder to give
life to the Congregation.
Therefore, in a spirit of fidelity to the MANDATE he gave us and in keeping with the realities of the
contemporary world, we dedicate ourselves to all those who, because of migration and out of real
necessity, require a specific pastoral care. And in accordance with the will of the Church, the
intentions of our Founder, and the history of the Congregation, we reaffirm our preferential option -
from among all those we are to serve - for those migrants who are more acutely living the drama of
We have the duty always to make sure that our existing works, and those we intend to take on, are
truly in line with the specific purpose and vital needs of the Congregation.
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Painting Nicolas Poussin - The Holy Family in Egypt